Learning in 2022

phil e


The state of learning in 2021 - 2022

I am completing my Masters at Boston University. The classes have all been online, even though I live about 40 miles away.

I recieved my BS be attending a traditional univerisity. Walking through campus to class, in a normal classroom setting, studying in a library study room with co-students. It was good. Now, in 2021 - the state of higher learning is a different world.

What do I need to learn?

Working with computers and data is a given. It should be just as important as reading, writing and math. Everyone has gotten to the point of using computers as a camera and a meeting facilitator.

What else can be done with it?
What else can we use the our computers for at work other than email and Zoom meetings? We need to move to the on

What is important to know?

Open source SW - it’s doesn’t matter what framework. Use Jupyter & Python, use R and RStudio. Use powershell.

Open source tools relieve you from dependence on external companies dictating what functions / modules to support based on economic gain (for themselves).

Do i need to go to college?

MIT Opencourses Coursera Udacity

Covid as an accelerant

The public schools have moved to distnace learning using Zoom etc. The problem seems to be student engagement. The typcial fear of speaking, cameras on, etc now factor into the learning experience. But this has been the case for all learning situations.

Now because of Covid, almost all learning has become remote - online and learning resources and procedures such as recording, placing the recording online for students, this process has become ubiquitous.

Can business employ the same model for thier training programs?
Can we do this at my place of employment?

Learning as a business

The cost of higher education. A university degree is so much money nowadays. Even ‘cheap’ schools - ~ 20 - 30 k a year would a substantial burden.

Is it worth it? I’m not convince that it is.
How much is too much?

Can you learn enough on YouTube?


But you don’t have any credentials. How does your employer know that you have ‘learned’ a new skill on your own